
Friday, January 25, 2013

D & D quick scenario

So occasionally I will play some Dungeons and Dragons with friends and it on short notice. When this occurs I will usually whip up a quick story if there is nothing prepared. Here is a pretty recent one. It is not really a narrative because I left it open to player choice. Stats for the encounters were added later, but by hand.
Dungeons & Dragons Scenario Λ3
Background: The Party awakens in a deserted town. Two Human factions The Shields of Liberty(Lawful Good; Reasoning is the protect the common man within the law) and the Dragon Hearts(Chaotic Neutral; Reasoning is that the just want dragons dead, the y sometimes obey the law sometimes not in this pursuit) both wish to recruit the Party for their own cause. The Shields of Liberty are an ancient group of commoners-turn-warriors who do their best to safeguard the commoners and their liberties. The Dragon Hearts are a small, newly founded order bent on the destruction of all dragons and their associates. All but the newest members have some form of dragon armor on (It is not necessarily high quality armor, as components to repair may be be hard to find). This lead the Dragon Hearts to “requisition” the prized shield of the Shields of Liberty. The Liberty Shield is an enchanted dragon scale shield that was crafted by the one of the founders of the Shields of Liberty. The two factions are now at war with each other, the Shields of Liberty for the shield and the Dragon Hearts to defend themselves and their perceived right to take what is necessary to kill dragons.
Narrator: “You awaken in an unfamiliar town, You decided to never have the grog of the day again. For all intensive purposes it appears deserted.”
[2 Spot/Perception checks, 1st one is easy/medium 2nd one is medium hard.]
Both checks, if passed reveal Scouts of some unknown faction, the Party decides how to deal with any discovered scouts.
The Easy scout is part of the Dragon Hearts, while the Harder to spot scout is part of the Shields of Liberty.
If discovered the scouts will retreat quickly, and will lead the Party back to on of the Faction camps. If killed the scout will tell the camp location with his dying breath. (thought other scout did it and wants revenge so home camp is given)
If neither scout is discovered, have them wander for a bit before a group of 4-5 people come from each faction with a scout who reported in. Both factions try and persuade Party to join their side. If both sides are refused a three way fight break outs. If a side has been chosen then they are lead to that sides camp otherwise a map to each camp can be found on the respective bodies.(Possible chance to rest as for the reason to regain HP spell uses etc...) There a plan is laid out for the faction to attack the other faction and have the Party attack the enemy faction camp while the majority of the enemy are gone and just the leadership remains in the camp. While going back to the “Good” faction camp the Party is attacked by a surviving lieutenant and some basic grunts. IF both factions are “Bad” then when they are back at the 1st faction's camp they fight the leadership and then that faction's army returns home.
Encounter Summary: (Faction (1) refers to faction sided with or first camp entered)
Check for Scout(s)
Easy/medium and medium/hard
Fight Scout(s)
If Party desires when Scout(s) are spotted
Easy enough
Fight Faction squad(s)
After deciding which (if any) Faction to join
Fight Faction (2) leadership
After plan is discussed with Faction (1)
Fight Faction (2) remnants
After fight with Faction (2) leadership
Fight Faction (1) leadership
After fight with Faction (2) remnants, only if neither faction sided with (or Party said “screw it”)
Fight Faction (1) Army (very large army shown during meeting with Faction(1) to deter party)
After fight with Faction (1) leadership
Impossible(running should be the way to go)

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