
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lets Play!

So here is an attempt at a written lets play. I am going to play FTL: Faster Than Light and write a story with it. FTL is a space strategy game with heavy rogue-like influences. The game is pretty difficult and rather luck based, but still a lot of fun to play.
This will be a captains log of my journey to save the Federation from the evil rebels.With that out of the way here are my crew.
Captain Rudi: Helmsman and captain of the Federation Star Ship Stormbird
Lieutenant Jake: Weapons Officer
Commander Daniel: Shields officer
Ship Specifications: Basic Kestrel Frame, 1 Burst laser, 1 Artemis missile and one layer of shielding to start.

Captain's Log: Sector 1
We have officially started our journey to save the Federation. I have decided to mark these logs with the area we are in since sleep may not come easy and we must be hasty. With me is Lieutenant Jake, an excellent weapons officer and a great friend. Also with me is Commander Daniel, the lone survivor of the F.S.S. Seahawk. His service record is impeccable and appears to be very competent at manning the shields. I look forward to learning more about him.

We easily defeated a rebel drone protecting a supply station.

We have just agreed to help a space dock that operates outside of Rebel law. Hopefully this will slow them down a bit. On our way to the space dock we helped a different space station's repair crew get past the malfunctioning defense grid. We successfully saved the space dock from a Rebel Rigger and were rewarded for our help. At the space dock we also picked up a Pike Beam and a mantis crew member named Beth. Hopefully she will aid us greatly in our quest.

At the Long Range Beacon to Sector 2 we encounter a Rebel space station and attempted to ransack it. We were stopped by a Rebel Fighter. Unfortunately he Rebel ship escaped and we went on our way.

Sector 2 (Mantis Controlled Sector)
Our first jump was a poor one, we jumped near a star giving off solar flares and a pair of humans teleported aboard our ship. The first thing I did was to vent the ship hopefully killing the intruders or at the very least deterring them from the more vital areas of the ship and steering them towards the med-bay were I ordered everyone else to go. Unfortunately this did not work and the boarders instead ran off to the cockpit while solar flares caused a fire in the cockpit. Eventually Daniel and myself managed to kill the intruders and space the bodies. During this skirmish the cockpit was heavily damaged and on fire. After the cockpit was fixed, another solar flare caused fire in the engine room, the med-bay  and other less vital areas of the ship. WE had to put all of these fires out before we could hope to safely jump again. We barely made it out of there before an even larger solar flare roasted the entire ship.

We safely arrived at a nearby merchant, and while we did not have enough Scrap to afford any hull repairs, we had enough time to repair all of our systems.

Another poor jump. We landed right in the middle of an asteroid field. This field also also contained a Rebel drone. The drone was easily defeated and we continued on our journey.

As we finished the jump a Mantis scout attacked us without any provocation. During the fight one of their weapons started a fire in the med-bay. Beyond that there were no complications in our victory.

We have arrived at the L.R.B. with no complications and are prepared to jump to the next sector.

Sector 3 (Zoltan Homeworlds)
We have arrived at the Zoltan Homeworlds and hopefully we can find some of thier race willing to help us.

After several uneventful jumps, we jumped into a nebula where a Rebel drone appeared to be waiting. The rebel drone was defeated by a combination of our Burst laser and the Pike beam.

That's all for today!

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