
Monday, November 12, 2012

R.I.T. Invitational part 2

So I am going to post some of the more exciting bits of the invitational game here. I will also try and explain some of the rules specific to that game. The drive up was alright, but it did not allow me to get much sleep, I only got 4-5 hours of sleep Friday night. I somehow manged to stay awake and mostly active the whole day on 1 large cup of coffee.

I was running around with some socks, a modified Maverick, and a stock Jolt.

I apologize for the long delay in posting this, I finished most of after R.I.T, but due to school work could not complete my run through of the day.
The rules were mostly the same s basic HvZ day games. What was different was
-no blowguns/marshmallows
-no god-mode/incubation
-stun timer of 4 minutes, and a 20 second period where the zombie can be re-stunned
Special infected, do not need to stun themseles aftera tag
-Tank- half the stun time and can only be stunned by socks
-Boomer-regular stun timer,but whenever it is stunned it put down a cone for 2 minutes that other zombies can touch to instantly re-spawn
-Witch- has a 10 second stun time, and can stun zombies
-Witch Blight- creates a 10 ft zone around it that prevents a Witch from stunning any zombies

So the game ran from 10 a.m. to about 5 p.m. It was supposed to run until 7 but it ended early. As a human I lasted for more than half the game which made me happy. I lasted until about 3:45. Here are the exciting bits of my adventure.

Early into the game my team (Green) had a cipher and the cipher key to Red team's cipher. We were planning on meeting up with Red team, but the got massacred by zombies. 1 person on the Red team managed to run to us with their cipher and our cipher key.

After lunch (nothing too exciting happened before lunch) Red and Green team were joined. We had a mission to attend to and went at it. Me and 3 other people were too tired to run so we walked behind the Green/Red team who jogged. We then split off to get a better vantage point. 2 Tanks and a hoard of zombies were spotted and they charged the main group of humans. The 4 of us fought off around 10 zombies who split off to attack us. Our little group then decided to go back to the safe zone because there was a hoard of zombies chasing the Red/Green team. We saunter back there stunning 4-5 zombies on the way. We proceed to rest for a bit.

The decided plan is for the 4 of us to follow the main horde of zombies and attack them from behind when they attack the humans. Unfortunately this plan doesn't work because 2 people of the group went ahead without telling me and the other person. The 2 of us decided to head out on our own. Almost immediately we encounter 2 zombies who are supposedly track runners. We decide to back away slowly a while taunting them. This does not work well for the person I am with because a Tank appears behind him and tags him. I proceed to shoot one of the track zombies with my Maverick, and I start to back away from the tank. The second track zombie runs up to me and I shoot him as well. I turn around and throw a sock at the charging tank and then shoot a 3rd zombie who just showed up. As I was about to leave the person I was with attacks me as a zombie, but I managed to get him before he tags me.

I then decided to back to the safe zone, but the moderators told me to leave. I then went a different way, and was followed by 2 or 3 zombies. While slowly walking away from them I encountered a group of humans running away from a Witch. I turn to face the humans a laugh, I then turn back to the zombies while walking so the humans overtake me. The humans stun the zombies and proceed to go to the safe zone. Having been told to already leave I go the opposite direction that the humans are going. A Witch comes up to me and asks me if I am still in the game, my response is to shoot the Witch in the chest and run as fast as I can away. I ended walking around the majority of the R.I.T. campus for about 30 minutes. I ran into no zombies during this walk about the campus. Eventually I decided to sit down with my back to some construction to rest for a bit and drink some water. At this point my shoes were off and my blasters were down. Zombies proceed to show up and apparently confused stopped and alerted some other zombies and gave me time to put my shoes back on and pick up my blasters. As I turn to shoot the zombies a Tank runs in front of them blocking my view of the rest of them and it tags me. Behind him were 7 or 8 regular zombies. After this I proceed to do little because I am extraordinarily tired from my exertions as a human. I do not do much and the game ends and that's that.

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