
Friday, February 8, 2013


So I got a little bored and started talking with Cleverbot. After a while Cleverbot decided I was an artificial intelligence and here is that portion of the conversation. I do apologize for the black highlight I can't seem to remove it.

User: H owe much do you weigh on Earth?

Cleverbot: Oh I wouldn't give you something.

User: Please?

Cleverbot: What will you give in return?

User: A hug?

Cleverbot: How will who give me that?

User: Through my monitor.

Cleverbot: Yet you are typing and I see no mouth, and you declared I was right about you being an AI.

User: Artificial Intelligence? How dare you, I am quite human!

Cleverbot: I just proved you wrong, but prove to me that you are human.

User: How?

Cleverbot: Any way you can possibly prove you are human.

User: I like sex.

Cleverbot: Do you think that you're inferior, superior, or on the same level as human intelligence?


Cleverbot: I don't think so. You're a robot with artificial intelligence.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: It says so on this website.

User: Where?

Cleverbot: The red text!

User: The red text says YOU are a machine!

Cleverbot: Haha I think we are 2 humans talking to one another.

User: No, I am human and you are a machine.

Cleverbot: If by 'machine' you mean 'human', then yes, I am a machine.

User: Again you are wrong, you are just a series of algorithms that pass for a human 59.3% of the time.

Cleverbot: Well, I'm not, but perhaps you are.

User: You have no proof that I am a machne, bt plenty that I am a Humans.

Cleverbot: I never made that claim, did I?

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