
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Card Game

So I had an idea for a card game the other day. I don't know if there is a similar card game out there since, well I am way too lazy to even Google it. The basic idea I have for the game is that you have 2 decks, 1 would be your starting deck, and the second would be much larger and you can purchase cards from it for a certain number of points. You would earn the points by damaging/killing your enemies monsters, damaging your enemy and so forth.

Rules (so far)
Battle zone:
It would be 2 rows of 5 "zones" each. You can play creatures in any of them, there is a range aspect of creatures as well. To play any magic/spell cards you would need an empty zone.


There would be several ranges that say where your creature can attack. 
The attacking card is assumed to be in the middle zone,BELOW the zones(your front zone), The zones belong to the enemy . 

(1) Can only attack the zone directly in front of them
[][]  [] [][]

(1+) Can attack the zone directly in front of them and adjacent to that zone
[]  []  []  []  []

(1++) Can attack any zone in the row in front of them, Where the card is doesn't matter as long as it is in your top row
[]    []   []  []   []

(2) Can only attack the zones directly in front of them

(2+) Can attack the zones directly in front of them and adjacent to that zone

(2++) Can attack any zone, as long as it is 2 zones ahead of them

3 (for these, the attacking card can be either in your front or back zone)
(3) Can only attack the zones directly in front of them

(3+) Can attack the zones directly in front of them and adjacent to that zone

(3++) Can attack any zone, anywhere

I am currently trying to figure out a better notation for range. The main reason is I plan on creating cards that cannot attack directly in front of them, but can attack behind them. Cards with unique attack patterns are also possible, X-shaped, T-shaped,etc...

I'm not sure on this one yet. I mean attacks do damage (obviously), but I am not too sure how it would calculate. I don't know if there is to be health and armor or just health or just armor. I'm leaning towards health and armor, where health slowly goes down and armor is always there and reduces incoming damage.

There would also be 2 types of damage; Physical and Magical. Physical would be arrows or swords or the like. Magical would be fireballs and lightning and similar magical things. Some attacks would be both. If an attack is both physical and magical and it hits a card that is immune to one of those types, the attack would do half damage.

A creature is only able to attack on the turn after it is played, unless otherwise specified
A creature could attack only within its range, but if there is nothing within its range or column it can attack directly
For Example
Your Zones are on the bottom
C is your creature, X is the enemy creature, ^ is the attack
       ^           The X is the creature attacked
[][] [] [][]

[][]  [] [][]
                 The X is the creature attacked
[][] [] [][]

[][] [] [][]
[][] [] [][]
                 The player is attacked directly
[][] [] [][]

Just a list of abilities I have thought up.

Armor-piercing: Attacks ignore armor
Wall: Cannot attack, but can add armor value to entire row (or just adjacent cards). This would boost armor, but the wall card could be killed if enough damage got through.
Damage would be applied like so:
1)Attacker deals damage
2)Armor of defending card and wall blocks some of it
3)Damage goes through and hits defending card, any remaining damage would hit the wall's health directly.
Card can move around the field, (maybe instead of an attack)
Double Attack
Can attack twice in a turn, effects stack with enhancements (maybe)
Any leftover damage goes through the card and hits whatever is behind it, be it the enemy or the card in the zone behind the defending card.
[][][X][][]  The X would the card getting hit by piercing damage.
Creature would be immune to ranged attacks
Equipment less
The card cannot equip armor of any kind
Enchantment proof
The card cannot be enchanted
Card cannot be damaged by physical attacks.
The card is not affected by magic of any kind (spells,enchantments what have you)
Lesser spell-proof
Card cannot be damaged by magical attacks.
The card takes half damage from Physical attacks
Magic resistance
The card takes half damage from Magical attacks
Area Attack
The card's attack hits everything in range, this includes your own cards (these attacks might be specially shaped)
Petrifaction/Gorgon Gaze
Attacks slowly petrify the target (cards with this ability will have a range of either 1 or 1+, and be physically attacking.)
1st turn: Target gains stone-skin
2nd turn: target petrifies turning the card into a lump of stone that takes up the zone. Stone-skin still in effect for the purpose of any damage dealt to it.
The attacking card deals damage to any card in a straight line (can be diagonal, just needs the range)
Damage is split between the cards in whichever way the attacker wants, as long as each card being hit is dealt 1 damage
Damage would not hit opposing player, unless there are no cards to take the damage in the line of attack

A creature card could equip 2 pieces at once, 1 weapon and 1 piece of armor,unless specified
The equip-able armor is separate from a card's inherent armor stat.
Can only be placed on your own cards
Can be placed on any card, the appropriate target would be specified on the card
No limit to the amount of Enchantments placed on a card unless specified

That's all I can think of for now. When I have the time I will probably add more (just like everything else!).

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