
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oooh Another Story!

So here be another story. This was just a random thought I acted upon and so it is a story quite dissimilar to The Machines of Small Stature. While typing this up I realized that I get bursts of creativity while procrastinating. I am currently unsure of how bad this, I know it is not a good thing because it keeps me from doing all the school work I have to do.


Jonathan was carefully tracking his target. The criminal had thought it a good idea to rob a bank. Jonathan's job was to prove him how wrong he was, after of course the interrogation.It was required of Jonathan to find out how he actually managed to steal several million dollars worth of credit. The criminal looked back and saw Jonathan chasing him and ran into a crowd to hide. Jonathan sighed, and thought to himself Why do they think they can hide? Criminals can never seem to understand this, they must be mentally lacking. Just then as to prove his point the robber grabbed a bystander and held a sharpened piece of what appeared to be a homemade ceramic knife to her throat. That must be how he managed to bring a weapon into the bank thought Jonathan. "Your type never seems to learn, do they now?" shouted Jonathan. "Stay back" screeched the miscreant, "come any closer and I'll cut her!" Jonathan promptly drew his custom .357 Magnum, and immediately shot through hostage and into the criminal. The bullet was perfectly placed to immediately kill the hostage and only injure the brigand so he could be interrogated at a later date. Both the hostage and the wounded felon collapsed. Jonathan quickly ran over while marking down all the witnesses for clean-up detail.

Shane stared at the shooter in shock as he walked closer. How could anyone actually kill someone else? He thought as the hostage's corpse pinned him down. Another idea occurred to the condemned man as the shooter stood over him, Who actually has a gunpowder weapon? The man stared at Shane with eyes that were vaguely inhuman and said "You are under arrest, anything you say can and will be held against you do in my court of law, do you understand? Shane stared back and vomited all over himself and the corpse as his body finally realized the fact that he had been shot. He then made a feeble attempt to move the body and get up. The man standing above him sighed and whispered something before everyone around them froze in place. Shane fought down the urge to vomit before croaking "What?" at the man standing over him. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND" roared the man before throwing the corpse pinning him down several dozen feet behind him. "What are you?" whispered Shane.Shane then had a singular thought before losing consciousness. Who is this man?

"I'll take that as a yes" said Jonathan as he hoisted up the perpetrator and threw him over his shoulder. He glanced at the corpse and walked over to it so he could pick it up as well. Jonathan then whispered to Systems Control "Here are the identities of people in need of a wipe, give me 10 minutes before restoration." Jonathan then walked off at a brisk pace carrying a bleeding corpse over one shoulder and a bleeding criminal over the other.

10 minutes later the crowd of people return to their daily lives with no recollection of what just
occurred. There is no mention of any bank robber or stolen money on the news, local or otherwise. Some people notice the blood, but it is ignored and cleaned up expeditiously. Except for three people, life goes on as normal and no one is the wiser. This is exactly how Systems Control operates.

Jonathan paced around his basement lair and thought about the best way to interrogate the criminal currently in his custody. He figured that he might threaten to throw the lawbreaker into the protein bath as he did with the corpse. Jonathan realized that the criminal probably did not even what a protein bath did. Suddenly it struck him, it would be quite amazing to explain in detail what the protein bath did to organic tissue. Jonathan walked over to his medicine cabinet and selected some medical supplies. One was a large metal syringe filled with adrenaline, and the other was an IV bag full of type O- blood. He then walked into the interrogation chamber where the criminal was sitting on a chair, unconscious. Jonathan proceeded to find the largest vein and jam the adrenaline into it.

Shane gasped awake, and found himself in a small, concrete lined room. The most obvious thing in the room was of course the man who shot him. "Good you're awake" said the man. "Whu-huh?" replied Shane. "Can you understand me?" asked the man "And don't give me any of that what shit got that?" Shane was terrified to an unfathomable degree. "Y-y-y-es" was Shane's stammered response. "Good" said the man "This is how its going to work, you are going to give me the answers I want and in exchange you live and get to forget this little incident, understood?" Shane mumbled "I think so" KRACK went the man's hand against Shane's head. "Speak properly next time got that?" Shane responded "Yes sir." The man demanded to know "Who are you, and how did you mange to acquire several million dollars worth of credit?" "My name is Shane Alonzo and I just did what the man told me to" squeaked out Shane. "What man Shane, and where. You still didn't answer my question Shane." "I-I-I-I think he was-was-was--" suddenly Shane's eyes glowed iridescently and he screamed "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH GOD SAVE ME PLEASE THE PAIN!!" Shane proceeded to go shake uncontrollably.

Jonathan looked at the Shane in the midst of uncontrollable shaking and sighed. Shane stopped shaking and fell limp. Jonathan checked his pulse and was surprised to find that there was none. He paced around the room thinking about what Systems Control was going to make of this. Jonathan went over to the body of Shane and rummaged through its pockets and found a memory drive, and absolutely nothing else. Jonathan ran left the interrogation chamber and proceeded to go to his sub-basement where his massive computer was held. He plugged the memory stick into the wall computer and typed in the commands that would have him discover the secrets held within.

Several  hours later his computer had finished analyzing the memory stick taken from Shane's corpse. It beeped loudly waking Jonathan from a dreamless slumber. Jonathan walked over to the computer and was surprised to find error codes flashing and new programs running. His computer started to smoke and sparks flew from it. "Shit" said Jonathan as he climbed up the ladder of the sub-basement. He closed the trapdoor and activated the force field surrounding the sub-basement. WHUMP went Jonathan's computer in an explosion large enough to collapse the force field and knock Jonathan off of his feet. "A computer virus?!" exclaimed Jonathan "Who knows how to create a computer virus anymore?" "Systems Control, I Jonathan Winter request a meeting of the highest priority" whispered Jonathan.

"Systems Control receiving J. Winter, please go to point Havana Acorn Bloomfield for pick-up."
"Understood Systems Control, understood." whispered Jonathan. Jonathan had a long ways to go to get to the pick-up point. He sighed, this was going to be a very long walk. Jonathan walked to the room containing the protein bath. He ingested some nutrients to replenish himself and his energy reserves. He drained the remnants of the fluid into several storage containers. He place the containers into a backpack along with a high-quality G.P.S., a multitool,a flint and enough ammo to last him a while. Jonathan wished he did not have to do what he was about to do. Jonathan took his knife out and pricked his finger until blood welled up. He took his blood and proceeded to smear it all over a small area of the basement wall. A chime was heard, Jonathan thought I really liked this place I wish I didn't have to leave so soon. Jonathan then whistled a note far above the average human's hearing and another chime was heard. Jonathan left his basement lair for the last time.

Welp, another story finished...for now! I will probably add more to this story just like I am planning on with The Machines of Small Stature.

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