
Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Story Time!

This is a little idea that has been stuck in my head for quite some time. It is Science Fiction set in the unknown future (which means I am too lazy to think of an actual date). It is really quite rough and unedited. So enjoy!

The Machines of Small Stature

The klaxons blared, alerting everyone to the presence of an unwanted yet expected "guest". The Squad was immediately activated and awoke, and proceeded to the armory of the Plant. The Plant as it was colloquially known, had no need for weapons, except for the special kind that only the Squad could need and ever actually use.  The Squad arrived quickly and efficiently to the armory, much in the same manner they arrived everywhere. The armory contained almost every conceivable weapon capable of creating a powerful Electromagnetic Pulse,ranging from experimental pulse grenades to the Type L High-Powered EM beam rifle. The Squad equipped all of the weapons found there.

Elsewhere something was receiving stimulus from light for the first time, as well a host of barely comprehensible senses. Waves of energy traveling through the atmosphere struck the correct receptors, and a reaction was warranted. The thing was unsure if moving towards the waves of sound was a good idea. No, there was an abundance of decibels, and the waves of sound hurt. Away then, it was decided that moving in the opposite direction was the best course of action. A means of locomotion was required, but those means were currently unavailable to the thing.

The Squad rushed to the site of the infection as quickly as it's 10 pairs of legs would allow. The Squad used the special access codes that were activated just for this eventuality. The codes allowed the Squad open any door or access hatch without having to slow its fast pace. There was still a large amount of space to cover though, the Squad also had to undertake an E.V.A. for the final leg of the short journey. The Squad passed several workers and researcher milling about demanding an answer. 10 different voices screamed at the people to get back into the designated zones otherwise their names would be recorded to administer punishment at a later date.

The thing suddenly realized somewhere in the metal casing was the information it needed. The information was stored on silicon wafers with various electrical charges. The thing was then surprised to find that this information could be quite easily accessed. The information contained within the device made of metal and silicon told the thing what it need to in order to finally attain motion. It was rather disappointing that this knowledge did not lead to the things immediate movement.

The Squad made it through the E.V.A. uneventfully, the suits required for such a journey were left on as the Squad was in rush to arrive at the location of the intrusion. The Squad observed that the corridors appeared to be free of any time of the expected "guest". What this meant for the Plant was unknown, all that was known that the "guest" must be exterminated with all due haste. No scientists or workers are passed at all on the Squad's way to the Forge. This was either a good sign as the warning lights and sounds were obeyed or a terrible portent of what was to await the Squad later on. At the Forge the Squad quickly scanned for the amalgam of destruction they were trained to fight. All that was found was what appeared to be a child's toy are even small military drone. It just sat there and flopped rather feebly around.

I hope you enjoyed this little story of mine, I probably will add more to it at a later date.

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