
Monday, November 12, 2012

R.I.T. Invitational part 2

So I am going to post some of the more exciting bits of the invitational game here. I will also try and explain some of the rules specific to that game. The drive up was alright, but it did not allow me to get much sleep, I only got 4-5 hours of sleep Friday night. I somehow manged to stay awake and mostly active the whole day on 1 large cup of coffee.

I was running around with some socks, a modified Maverick, and a stock Jolt.

I apologize for the long delay in posting this, I finished most of after R.I.T, but due to school work could not complete my run through of the day.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

R.I.T. Invitational

This Saturday there is a Humans VS Zombies (HvZ) invitational at Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T), and I'm going! I am incredibly excited to go. It is supposed to run all day Saturday with a bunch of schools besides just Binghamton and R.I.T. attending. This is going to be a very interesting because
a) The R.I.T campus is significantly larger than Binghamton's and
b) the game is going to probably run around 12 hours or so.
This is my first HvZ invitational and I cannot wait. For anyone who is unaware of Humans VS Zombies the basic rules can be found online. I highly recommend finding a way to play this at your university or place of work.
To make things easier on you guys here is a link to the HvZ wiki.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Card Game

So I had an idea for a card game the other day. I don't know if there is a similar card game out there since, well I am way too lazy to even Google it. The basic idea I have for the game is that you have 2 decks, 1 would be your starting deck, and the second would be much larger and you can purchase cards from it for a certain number of points. You would earn the points by damaging/killing your enemies monsters, damaging your enemy and so forth.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oooh Another Story!

So here be another story. This was just a random thought I acted upon and so it is a story quite dissimilar to The Machines of Small Stature. While typing this up I realized that I get bursts of creativity while procrastinating. I am currently unsure of how bad this, I know it is not a good thing because it keeps me from doing all the school work I have to do.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Well I decided that I should post some pictures of mine. I believe that these pictures just sort "swim" through my hard drive instead of hanging out there. I feel that this adds some elegance to the nature of electronic storage. So of course enjoy them.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Story Time!

This is a little idea that has been stuck in my head for quite some time. It is Science Fiction set in the unknown future (which means I am too lazy to think of an actual date). It is really quite rough and unedited. So enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Just a Small story

So this is a story/research paper I had to write for Medieval 101. The professor wanted a narrative about the day in the life of someone who lived during the Medieval Era. It was supposed to have factual material that we (the class) researched and be as accurate as we possibly can. This is my story about a Byzantine Soldier during the 11 century. As it was part research paper I have left the citation page intact.

First Post Ever!

So, first post. Well I guess I created this blog to post random things and because I was bored. Probably mostly bored though. I do not believe much writing will occur per post as I am not too good at writing large posts, essays or what have you.